- ½ l unsweetened whipping cream
- 50 g creamed coconut
- 1 dl egg yolk
- 1 dl egg
- 475 g sugar
- 1 dl Malibu
- 50 g Bresc Red chilli puree
- 1 handful fried grated coconut
- 1 vanilla pod
Used bresc products
Preparation method
Whip the cream until it has the consistency of yoghurt. Boil 225 g sugar with the Malibu until is becomes syrupy. In the meantime, mix 250 g sugar with the pith from 1 vanilla pod and the egg and the egg yolk. Whisk it au bain-marie to 70 °C. Dissolve the creamed coconut and the chilli puree in it. Once it has reached the acquired temperature, beat the mixture with the syrup in the kitchen machine until it is cold. Mix the whipping cream with the whisked, cold mixture. Spoon in the grated coconut. Pour into the required mould and freeze. After it has been turned out, it can be sprinkled with a bit more grated coconut.